can this help you get to know me better?
Janelle, the right jobs for you would allow you to be Creative and Analytical
With your skills, you could be earning up to $83,000 per year. Find out which jobs match these skills in your personalized Right Job Report.
You're a visionary in many people's eyes — able to think outside the box and to come up with your own solutions. You're creative not necessarily in the artistic sense, but because you can expand your mind to do things differently from others.
It might take a while for colleagues to recognize and reward you for your entrepreneurial spirit and abilities. That could be because they envy you, or because they find your ideas slightly rebellious — willing to go against the current.
All in all, you make it hard for people to pigeon hole you. That is why you, more than others, need a job that allows you to play to your strengths, break out of the mold, and truly excel.
Janelle, your subconscious mind is driven most by Peace
You are driven by a higher purpose than most people. You have a deeply-rooted desire to facilitate peacefulness in the world. Whether through subtle interactions with love ones, or through getting involved in social causes, it is important to you to influence the world.
You are driven by a desire to encourage others to think about the positive side of things instead of focusing on the negative. The reason your unconscious is consumed by this might stem from an innate fear of war and turmoil. Thus, to avoid that uncomfortable place for you, your unconscious seeks out the peace in your environment.
Usually, the thing that underlies this unconscious drive is a deep respect for humankind. You care about the future of the world, even beyond your own involvement in it. As a result, your personal integrity acts as a surrogate for your deeper drive toward peace and guides you in daily life towards decisions that are respectful toward yourself and others.
Though your unconscious mind is driven most strongly by Peace, there is much more to who you are at your core.
Janelle, you're a Critic!
Your personality is actually determined by two personality sub-types - your primary, or dominant sub-type, and your secondary sub-type. You are a Critic which means you are a Thinker / Success Your primary sub-type is defined by "Thinker" characteristics and your secondary sub-type is defined by "Success" characteristics.
That means you're complex, thoughtful and never content to skate on the surface. Chances are you veer towards being so analytical and introspective that even positive qualities can seem like faults. The truth is that you have a very perceptive, gentle spirit.
How do we know all this? How do we know that you hate chaos at work and prefer a structured environment? Or that sometimes you feel undervalued by your boss? How could we have divined that there's a part deep inside you that's aching to make more money?
Because while you were taking the test, you answered four different types of questions — questions that measured confidence, apprehension, willingness to take risks, and your focus on experience versus appearance — the primary traits that determine your personality. Based on your responses, we determined your personality type, Critic.
And that's just scratching the surface.
Janelle, when it comes to psychic abilities, you have an unusually strong talent in the area of Clairvoyance
This means you have an uncanny ability to see things that others can't. Transcending space, your mind is able to see physical objects from a distance, especially when they are particularly relevant to you or someone you know. For instance, you may suddenly get the feeling that there is a major traffic jam down the street from where you're driving and will know to avoid the area and take another route. Or perhaps a friend has lost a valuable piece of jewelry, and you get the sense that it is in their bathroom; later you find out that indeed that is where they found it.
Normally, people with your gift only occasionally have the opportunity to witness that their hunches are correct; however, there are ways you can get a stronger sense of it yourself. The more you understand your ability, the more you will be able to utilize it like a tool that can be applied in many positive ways.
While your strongest psychic talent is Clairvoyance, Tickle also analyzed your psychic strengths in:
Retrocognition: The ability to know what happened in the past.
Precognition: The ability to know what will happen in the future.
Remote viewing: The ability to see physical objects at a distance.
Telepathy: The ability to tune into others' thoughts.
Janelle, your sense of humor is Goofy Humor
You have your standards: They may be low, but at least you have them. Sure, subtle wit makes some people grin and say, "Now that's funny." But you know the Three Stooges makes people howl with laughter. It's the physical stuff, the poop jokes and funny voices, that get you going because you have a goofy sense of humor. You have no problem making a fool of yourself as long as your moves to "fake" a fall break the ice and make people feel comfortable.
Wit, sarcasm, and satire can get lost in the translation, but a whoopee cushion is universal. Yes, it may be lowbrow — heck, it may even be nobrow, but getting laughs is what matters to you. From ye old court jesters to the kids of South Park, you and your goofy sense of humor are in good company.
Janelle, the brightest color in your aura is Violet
Contrary to popular myth, auras are actually multi-colored energy fields that can be divided into seven primary layers. Having Violet as your brightest color means that the sixth layer of your aura is the most vibrant. You experience exceptional peace and purity, which radiates from your aura. You see your purpose clearly and that has allowed you to make excellent choices in many areas of your life.
Janelle, the shape of your hand reveals that you are especially good at Listening to your heart
Based on the signs in your palm, you have much to gain by listening to your intuition when making decisions — even if it doesn't seem rational. By putting directed energy toward the wisdom of your heart, your efforts will be returned multi-fold.
Janelle, your personality is shaped by your Social nature.
Your social skills make it easy for you to jump in and take action, whether the situation involves interacting with other people or just cutting through the clutter to get something done. You probably tend to be outgoing and expressive, and you love being in the company of others for most activities.
But that's just the beginning of what this projective personality test can tell you. The pictures you saw in the test are ambiguous — they don't inherently represent anything on their own. But they elicited responses from you nonetheless.
Your impressions of what the images mean, or the characteristics they possess, is one of the most reliable ways to determine aspects of your personality.
Janelle, your most unique quality is that you're unusually Conscientious
You are the kind of person others depend on. You're competent, self-disciplined, and able to carry through with any plan you create. You've just got it together. You're also good at weighing the pros and cons of any situation and making sound, well-informed decisions. Compared to others who are conscientious, you are unusually thoughtful. Only 5.5% of all test takers have this unique combination of personality strengths.
Janelle, your strongest sense is right and wrong.
Janelle, you're a Type 2 - The Humanitarian
Friends, family, and colleagues probably appreciate your caring and generous nature. They're also apt to know that when they come to you with a problem, you'll usually offer a shoulder to cry on and unparalleled compassion. As a Humanitarian, you're likely to be seen as a loving and helpful person with a kind heart.
Being a member of this type puts you in good company. Mother Teresa, with her tireless devotion to aid the sick and destitute members of society, and Bishop Desmond Tutu, with his emphasis on nonviolent protest against racial injustices, are also Type 2s
This means that compared to the eight other Enneagram types, you have a strong sense of empathy for other people. In fact, you're the kind of warm, sincere person who can be uniquely capable of seeing the good in others.
Janelle, the thing you need most in a relationship is Quiet Stability
In your ideal world, you would like a relationship structure that is fairly well set — one that doesn't change too often. Although relying on this routine may make it more difficult for you to cope with the inevitable fluctuations within any relationship, you're willing to risk that so you can have a strong sense of stability, security, and privacy with your partner. Because you and your partner would ideally have your patterns set, you'd likely encounter little conflict, and would enjoy the freedom to do your own thing. You desire a comfortable balance of routine and independence, and as long as neither partner's needs are being ignored, neither of you would need a demanding level of intimacy.
Janelle, your crush is the Class Clown
Seriously forks. Only a guy with a great sense of humor stands a chance of making it as your fun-loving sweetie. Going back-to-school doesn't have to be a bland and boring time. With a funny and cute guy to crush on, things will definitely put a smile on your face.
Even when attending mandatory student assemblies and classes that last for days, you're a girl with an active mind and funny bone. Thankfully, your new crush should liven up even the dullest of moments. Maybe he's cracking jokes in History class, writing witty pieces for the newspaper, or hamming it up in the lunchroom. Wherever you find him, you'll be in for an entertaining school year!
Janelle, you're fit to commit because you've met the right person
Sure, you've been in love before, but it looks like you've really found a match in this one. You've probably been around the block a few times, and you know exactly what's out there. Whether you've had a few heartbreaks or some dating disasters, you know a keeper when you find it.
You're a fun and energetic catch yourself, and you know that the secret to a great relationship is good communication and good times. An honest soul, you believe in lasting love and making things work. Keep up the good work!
Janelle, you're fit to commit because you've met the right person
Sure, you've been in love before, but it looks like you've really found a match in this one. You've probably been around the block a few times, and you know exactly what's out there. Whether you've had a few heartbreaks or some dating disasters, you know a keeper when you find it.
You're a fun and energetic catch yourself, and you know that the secret to a great relationship is good communication and good times. An honest soul, you believe in lasting love and making things work. Keep up the good work!
Janelle, you find love in a Fairy Tale
Glass slippers, traveling minstrels, knights in shining armor. These are some of the classic components of fairy tales. And when it comes to your real-life love life, you'll take 'em in the form of candy and flowers, poems describing your beauty, tiny velvet boxes, and the like. Whether you are single or settled, you're a firm believer that the fairy tale shouldn't end when someone is carried over the threshold (though that's a pretty fun part, too).
You sometimes have to work to get your head out of the clouds, but your optimistic spirit and love-conquers-all attitude helps you deal with the good and bad that life might throw your way. As long as you can spot a poison apple when it knocks on your door, you'll always be able to find your happy ending.
Janelle, your emotions are triggered by your underlying belief in Compassion
In other words, your uncompromisingly compassionate nature directly affects how, and how often, you experience certain feelings.
For example, your test results indicate that you're most fulfilled when you can lend a helping hand to those who really need it. That factor is directly related to your fundamental belief in compassion and the range of emotions it triggers.
Based on your belief in compassion, where do you rank in the emotional landscape? Which of your emotions dominate your life? And how can you learn to control your emotions?
Janelle, you're 37% masculine
This is based on how you scored on a variety of traits that, founded on classic research and our own studies, are typically associated with men.
You're also 63% feminine, which is based on how you scored on traits that are typically associated with women. When we compare your results with other women it shows that you are somewhat more masculine than other women.
But what is gender identity exactly? A person's gender identity is defined by the extent to which they see themselves as masculine or feminine. Every person possesses both masculine and feminine qualities to some degree, however the extent to which each person has these qualities differs widely. While you were taking the test, we calculated your scores in 6 areas typically defined as masculine and 6 areas typically defined as feminine.
Janelle, your IQ score is 110
Your overall intelligence quotient is the result of a scientifically-tested formula based on how many questions you answered correctly. But it's only part of what we learned about you from your answers on the test. We also determined the way you process information.
The way you think about things makes you an Analytic Detective. This means you are an unusually talented problem-solver. You are able to think through a process step-by-step, and know how to zero in on anything that is even remotely illogical. Compared to others you are very adept at discerning numerical patterns and solving difficult equations.
Janelle, you love to indulge in a Little Personal Time
For someone who's as on-the-go as you, the greatest indulgence of all is a hearty dose of rest and relaxation. Charming and fun, you love spending time with family and friends, but there's also a mellow and quiet side of you that relishes time alone with your thoughts.
Whether you like to take long walks, catch an afternoon blockbuster, or check out a hip new art exhibit, you like exploring the world on your own terms and learning more about yourself in the process. Not one to harp on the past or obsess about the future, you have a confident and graceful way of savoring each experience as it comes. Stay cool!
Janelle, you should pick your Zen Friend
You know who we're talking about — the person who always has their head on straight, who can sound reasonable even in the most unreasonable of times, and who makes you calmer just by standing in the same room as you. Whether you've known them all your life or recently met them in yoga class, there's just something about this calming companion that made you realize from the very beginning you wanted them in your life.
This highly evolved, kind, caring, and soothing sidekick has a contagiously peaceful presence. Their grounding influence and nurturing heart give you a spiritual boost you don't easily find with others. The two of you share an appreciation for individual expression that makes any time a perfect time to spend together. Ommm!
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