Thursday, July 19, 2012

Where is wisdom?

What makes a man intelligent? For most of us, when we were still young, intelligence is based on grades, on numbers, on IQ. It somehow defines us and our esteem back then. But as we grow older, we realize that intelligence is usually associated with wisdom. But for me, intelligence sometimes is confined to particular situations, like what happened and how you attacked a problem and solved it. But wisdom is different. Wisdom is brought about by a series of life changing experiences, a series of ups and downs, successes and failures. It is not tied to a particular situation or incident. A person may have done an intelligent decision but he is not necessarily wise. An wise person may not have always the intelligent answers but a wise man knows how to look for them while acknowledging his lack of knowledge. A wise man can not be matched with a big brain or a high IQ. It is the compilation of life lessons that teach him how to act and decide.

There are times when I’m being attacked as unintelligent. Yet I admit I’m not at the top of my batch. People would label me as slow, or maybe I’m ignorant in things but give me chances to learn and I’ll learn them. Give me chances to let you see that I can also do the things you do. I may not be born intelligent but I can learn. I just need people to believe I can. This has taught me to be wise. While people keep aiming at my intelligence, I try to strengthen my other aspects such as my motivation, determination and faith that I will get by. No, I will not just get by, I will allow myself to learn and undergo. My motto in life has always been, “Everything will pay off in the end”.

Somehow I usually think I am measured by my salary, my position, my fame. But not all of us can be exactly the same right? If all of us were managers, then how will the world go round? We need different roles. I just have a different role to play. Being wise in this aspect doesn’t mean I can be the most intelligent person. I am just more aware of my capabilities and what I cant do to help me best decide on a situation. I know I still am not the smartest or the most knowledgeable, but then again, we can all try to get a little better than yesterday. In every way we can, then we learn. As long as we commit to making an effort, we are already winning against our own selves.

It is never a matter of how good are you in a particular aspect. It’s always about who has the right attitude. Moving forward is not about having the best position. As the word implies, moving forward means, you have to go a distance from point A to point B. You don’t have to start in a high rung. As long as you’re moving forward, you’re on the right track. So keep it up and good luck. Wisdom will come along the way.

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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Positivity is power

I am the woman who is about to change your life.

By first impression, I look meek, the quiet girl in the corner. I’m easily forgettable. People rarely remember my name but give me a few chances to be involved in your life, and I’ll be the woman you’ll never forget.

You might think I’m such a genius to be able to say these things, or a prophet or a scientist, or a business tycoon. Well to disappoint all of you, I am not. I am a simple person, anonymous yet full of positivity and idealism in life.

To give you my definition of positivity, it means that to be positive is not just to see and think that everything is good, beautiful and has a purpose. My definition of positivity is seeing the good and beautiful despite the chaos and cruelty this world presents. By staying positive, I don’t just let any mishap or disappointments rub me off my happiness. Truth is, positivity is key to being happy and that’s how I am. Positive and happy.

Staying positive also draws people. Let me ask you a question. If given the chance to spend some time with a positive person and a negative person, who would you choose? Just imagine listening to all the complaints, rants and pessimism the negative person brings. Who would want to be with that? Now imagine spending quality conversations with someone who shares uplifting insights, inspiring words and encouragement, wouldn’t it be nice and mentally refreshing? Now as you see, between a negative and a positive person, people are drawn towards the positive minded people. They say, Stay away from people who suck your happiness out of you. Instead, be among people who would motivate you to improve yourself. That’s the power of positivity. It is a magnet that draws people and transforms others as well.

There was a time when I was the exact opposite, when I was Ms Negativity. I would always complain about how tired I was at work, how I’m stuck with my job and just really had a bad childhood. Tell you what, I just grew grumpier every day and people were just fed up about me saying the same old rants and just grew tired listening to me. But when my turning point came, you can never see me complain (well, not as much), you can always see me bright and smiling and saying words of gratitude and encouragement. One by one, people came to me. Some would ask me what’s my secret and people would sometimes envy why I’m always happy while they’re not. People were sending me messages of compliment in return and telling me how I inspire them a lot and proud of me. The best part is when my positivity became my power that I am able not to just transform my own life but others as well. People ask me for help and I cheerfully extend it to them. I have been a living testament that positivity is powerful.

I would like to share with you a saying from Mahatma Gandhi. He says,
 “Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behaviour. Keep your behaviour positive because your behaviour becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.”

So how do we stay positive? Unfortunately, there’s no formula to it. You just got to do it. You are the only one who can help yourself.  Think of ways. Maybe some inspirational notes would help, or having a friend keep track of your goals or remind yourself of all the things to be thankful for each day. It’s always a constant conscious decision to be for or against happiness. Who says positivity is easy? Nothing comes easy in this world. Every man shall toil and reap his fruit but between a negative person and a positive person who live in the same world as we all do, it’s better to be happy right?

 So now I call upon all of you. Do you want to transform your life? Then I dare you to follow me.

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Friday, July 13, 2012


I just got my “semi-promotion” in a span of a month. Ever since I entered this company, I have already been so thankful for presenting me this opportunity to get a job. Even if I got the lowest of ranks, placed as Admin asst, I have never complained. I’m not the picky type too. I enjoy servicing people no matter how much manual labor it needs or how simple they are from photocopying, to binding, to ordering food, to scanning to stapling. I have forever been grateful primary because of the trust that was given to me by the bosses.

Now that I’m being given the opportunity to explore another department, I immediately said yes in my heart although I maxed out the deliberation time given to me. It would entail a lot of sacrifices too. First of all, I would have to sacrifice my weekends and holidays and would be on call, depends on my product. This means I might have to skip my public speaking classes, basketball shoot outs, cancel meet-ups and lack sleep. Also, I might not be able to cook anymore. I also need to buy a mobile plan already. I would also be based outdoors so even if sweating is not a great idea, I’d still give it a try.


Basically, why am I in Singapore anyway if I do not learn or grow? I need to go beyond my comfort zones to maximize my stay. Even if the pay is the same for a more difficult job, I’d take it. I am a frustrated medical person as well. I really want to learn more about health and medical stuff anyway.

I also prayed for knowledge. I think this is the answer. Sometimes when you encounter something, you gotta remember what you prayed for. Again, be careful what you wish for. I just know that this is for me. If I don’t give it a try, how would I know if it would work for me right?

You know what cringes me though? I’ll be encountering cadavers and blood. OMG.

So Help me God.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Grieving over loss

A loss will forever be painful no matter how much time has lapsed. A loss is a loss. It can never be undone. Some we regret. Some taught us but at a very expensive price.

Loss means an end of something. For some it may mean an end of a relationship, a death of a loved one, an opportunity that passed. Sometimes I want to analyze why even after such a long time, this loss always feel fresh once it triggers our memory. Maybe because a loss is not to be overcome by time. It is a permanent scar that can never be erased.

Why does loss hurt so much? Is it because a loss usually comes at the time we dont expect? It hurts so much because we were so comfortable in our lives that when it disappeared, it disturbed us and didnt give us the peace of mind? Was it because there were things left undone and unsaid? Usually a loss is tied to a regret. Regret to say sorry, regret to show your feelings, regret to have changed the course of history only if you have done something else to prevent it from happening.

But then again, what can we do? The past is the past. What we can only do is face reality. It's gone. It's lost. It's the end. As much as it is painful, we have to create more things that will fill that void inside of us. Yes it is painful and I can attest to it, even now. It will never be completely healed in the sense that it wont hut again after x number of years. But to be honest, it's just really like that and I cant do much about it. Grieving is normal. If the memory triggers, I just let myself grieve and wipe my tears then continue with what im doing.

Again, crying doesnt mean a woman is weak. It only means she has been strong enough for too long that sometimes she just breaks down in tears but then knows wipe them and stand again on her feet.

Lord, I ask you to pray for healing. I pray that whatever experience I underwent, let it be tools for you to form me into a better person. Let You use me and my experiences so that I can better serve you Lord. Let me be transparent so that through me they can see Your goodness. I humbly pray that you bless me as I continue my journey, whatever direction I take, let me walk with You Lord. This I pray, Amen.


Thursday, July 05, 2012

Miracles do happen

Who says miracles have to be magical? If we want miracles, do we want a stone to transform into bread? Do we expect that the heavens rain with food? Or crimes instantly disappear in a flash? Indeed miracles are supernatural but they do not have to be magical. Some miracles move along the natural course of events.

When we pray for miracles, we acknowledge that we have no power to solve our problem and so we ask for divine intervention. But when you ask for miracles, you also ask for something else. That is, asking for God to provide you with the opportunities for that miracle to happen. Once we skip that fact, then we no longer place our contribution to make it happen. Remember, as much as God is an all-powerful God, a miracle is a miracle to the one who sees it firsthand. and it can't be just "passing the burden to God", in a way like you're saying, "God, just do it. I can't do it so you do it."

Asking for miracles entails a deep communion with God. Desperately imploring to God that you are nothing compared to His power and that you need Him to lift you up from whatever your situation is. You have to have a deep desire to want the Lord to come into your life and let him be in control. You have to constantly and repeatedly ask for it, not just a one time prayer. It is by surrendering yourself to God and letting Him guide you that will help you see the first steps in miracles.

In my experience, miracles happen when you also allow God to make a miracle in you. I would always ask for penance and ask the Lord to change me and my heart. Lord make me the miracle I want to see. Let it start within me so that I might be a miracle to the world as well. and sooner or later, it will be a combined partnership with the Lord to create miracles. As we are made out of flesh, we have the capability to adapt to this world so we must ask God to use us as instruments of His Glory. Now, wouldn't it be so privileged for us to work for the Lord? Wouldn't we be so happy to know that we are fulfilling God's mission? It must all start from ourselves. Miracles don't happen as they are. It must be asked, willed, prayed in faith. Miracles are not only supernatural phenomenon. They are God's reflections of how chosen people are being put to use.

Miracles do happen. They happen everyday, around you. You just got to observe and see. and sometimes, God already gave it to you, you just don't want to accept it. SO ask yourself, what have you really asked for?

When I asked to be rich, powerful and influential, I meant it literally. Little did I know that my walk with the Lord has made me even so much more. I am so rich with the joy in my heart, powerful with the transformation I had and with the people around me, influential with the kind of life that I live. God answered all my prayers. and with regards to the literal things, God doesn't fail. He is always faithful. Pray in confidence that the Lord will provide for your needs. There is nothing the Lord can not give you if you just fervently ask for it. God sees your heart. He knows what you really want and need but no matter what happens, more importantly, trust in the Lord that He knows what's best for you.

Walk in the path of the Lord. I tell you, He will grant you blessings more than you can imagine. Things that are priceless and are eternal.

God bless everyone who have read this (although i do not have any readers). I hope my sharing has inspired you in some way. To God be the glory.

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